bachelor Creation – 2nd year

Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux
Accueil » Programmes et Formations » bachelor Creation – 2nd year

why choose the creative bachelor ?

A second year that trains students in the school’s five major creative specialties: art direction, design and writing, advertising creation, audiovisual production, and digital design.

Accessible to people with disabilities. Read more about it.

Bachelor’s degree courses in design


Deepen the techniques of visual creation

Creative studio, typography, rough & drawing, DTP, plastic project, video

Develop your versatility

Communication culture, plastic and general culture, Art history, communication english

Understanding digital as a professional

Digital strategy, social networks, storytelling

Objectifs, compétences et aptitudes

Affirm your artistic and creative potential

This second-year program is designed for students who wish to pursue graduate studies in the various creative fields of communication.

This course is an extension of the first year SP1 Creation. Also accessible to all students who have completed the first year in this field, it allows students to increase their skills in design, drawing, photography, video… Workshops and cultural outings are organized throughout the year in photographic techniques, art history, video and creative challenges to perfect their image culture. Seminars and conferences complete the curriculum. Students develop their creative skills while learning about trends, concepts and constraints in communication and discover the full range of creative professions in order to prepare for their specialization in the coming years.

Plus pédagogiques et évaluation


During the year, competitions are organized: the students work together, in micro-agencies, on a concrete practical case presented by an advertiser. They have two weeks to respond to a strategic, marketing and creative problem.

Red thread project

Each year, students work in teams on a long-term collaborative and cross-disciplinary project in order to develop their project management skills. This project, on a theme renewed each year, combines reflection, commitment and numerous productions and requires continuous and regular work.

Back to school workshop

Each campus welcomes its students for a year-long training on an intense and specific communication project.

Magazine creation seminar

This seminar leads to the conception of a magazine dedicated to art. It is produced from A to Z by the students, and is published by Sup de Pub.

Jobs’ focus

Through conferences, testimonials from former students, and introductory courses, SP2 students are invited to discover the many professions in the field of communication to help them choose their specialization and career path.

You want to know more
about this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Our added value


Behavioral skills or soft skills are increasingly in demand in companies. Sup de Pub’s pedagogy aims to develop empathy, curiosity, self-confidence, stress management and autonomy. Group work and speaking are valued.

Professional help

The business service helps students find their internship through personalized coaching for their CV and cover letter.

Quality speakers

All courses are taught by professionals in the communications sector
and creation. The emphasis is put on an immersive
and caring teaching

What are the admission requirements
in Bachelor creation ?

To justify a validated 1st year undergraduate (60 ECTS) or equivalent in communication or creation, you will need to present a portfolio (it is preferable not to use Canvas and to privilege the Adobe Suite) and to satisfy the admission tests.

How many ECTS credits are validated
in Bachelor creation ?

This program provides 60 ECTS credits and delivers a state-recognized RNCP title in the 5th year.

What are the tuition fees
in Bachelor creation ?

  • Lyon and Bordeaux campuses: €7,850
  • Paris Campus: 7 950€.

What are the back-to-school hours and rhythms
in Bachelor creation ?

Back to school in September

Courses: September to May
Mandatory internship : 2 months minimum

You want to know more
about this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Les chiffres clés


heures de cours


élèves par groupe au maximum


école pionnière depuis sa création


taux d’employabilité record à Bac+5

Mis à jour le 30 mai 2023