Bachelor in COMMUNICATION – 1st year

Septembre, Février
Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux
Accueil » Programmes et Formations » Bachelor in COMMUNICATION – 1st year

Bachelor of Sup de Pub

The objective of your1st year of the Bachelor’s program at Sup de Pub is to discover the communication ecosystem, the commercial and societal stakes of companies and brands; you will thus be able to initiate yourself into the different facets of the communication professions. The SP1 (1st year of the Bachelor’s program) and SP2 (2nd year of the Bachelor’s program) offer a cross-disciplinary discovery course to get a glimpse behind the scenes and find your own path.

This bachelor’s degree discovery course, through professional situations, will allow students to understand the main issues at stake: understanding marketing and communication, analyzing a market, imagining commercials, organizing events, managing social network content, writing slogans, and discovering the professions will be part of the program.

Sup de Pub offers you the choice of a Bachelor’s degree option allowing you to enter the world of communication. This first specialization will allow the core curriculum to be colored by a more generalist approach, or by a focus on marketing, communication or creation.

why choose the Bachelor of Communication – 1RST YEAR YEAR ?

Thisfirstyear of the Bachelor’s degree in communication, focused on strategy, will allow you to study all the fundamentals of communication necessary to continue in communication and beyond. You will be able to build real projects in communication strategy and refine your reasoning.

These are key steps in a vast and promising multi-faceted career path: communication campaigns, advertising campaigns, BtoB and BtoC communication, events, digital, luxury… Because communication is everywhere today, in all sectors, which is an incredible opportunity for all the new professions that arise from it and the traditional functions that are renewed. This first year program will allow you to better identify your desirata, optimize your abilities and choose a coherent and well-built continuation of your studies.

A rewarding specialization in communication that will allow you to discover the diversity of communication professions.

Accessible to people with disabilities. Read more about it.

What are the courses in Bachelor communication ?


  • Marketing Fundamentals
  • Communication Strategy
  • Culture and Media Strategy
  • Consumer Understanding and Analysis
  • Review of Communication
  • Process Créa Generation I
  • Design-Editing
  • DTP and Graphic Tools
  • Photography and Video
  • Project Management Com
  • Law of the Com
  • Public Speaking
  • Voltaire Project
  • Communication English
  • Advertising Culture
  • Image and Visual Culture
  • Digital Culture

Objectifs, compétences et aptitudes

Develop a communication strategy

You will discover the methods and fundamental concepts of strategy: market and competition analysis, identification and knowledge of targets, definition of objectives, key messages and means of communication… All the parameters of a campaign will be examined to ensure its success!

Developing creative ideas… and producing them

After the strategy, comes the time of the concretization. This is the moment when intentions are translated into creative concepts, words and images. You will be introduced not only to the generation of ideas, but also to the methods and tools of creation, whether verbal, graphic or audiovisual.

Managing a communication project

A communication project is not just about strategy and creation. It also involves a whole set of operational missions and logistical realities that require organization: managing a budget, keeping a schedule, checking legal compliance, etc. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at a well-managed project!

Opening up and finding your career path

In addition to the openness to the world that the program offers, you will also be able to familiarize yourself with the many and varied professions related to communication. In particular, through our professional speakers, you will have one year to discover profiles, exchange with them and give yourself time to mature your own orientation. The end-of-year internship also prepares you for your professional future.

Plus pédagogiques et évaluation


At the end of the year, a competition is organized: the students work, in micro-agency, on a case
presented by an advertiser. They have two weeks to answer a problem
strategic, marketing and creative.

Video workshop:
Students have one week to write a video script for a brand. The videos are
then edited and presented at the final that brings together the best teams

Back to school seminar

Getting to know oneself and others better: the back-to-school seminar is a way to support the transition to higher education through group work that combines collective intelligence, oral expression and work methodology.

Photo Seminar

Both technical and thematic, this seminar allows students to explore their creativity through a photographic subject.

Live Masterclasses “We Demain

These are lecture cycles for SP1. Technological, scientific and societal issues are addressed by inspiring personalities.

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students on the Paris campus

Our added value


We teach students to develop their
behavioral skills: interpersonal skills, empathy, creativity, entrepreneurship, volunteerism, which will be useful in the workplace.

Professional accompaniment

The company service helps students find their internship (full-time or alternating). They also benefit from personalized support with CV and cover letter coaching.

From the speakersof quality

All courses are taught by professionals in the field of communication, marketing or design. The pedagogy allows the application of knowledge.

What are the admission requirements for the Bachelor of Communication – 1IRST YEAR YEAR ?

Have a validated Baccalaureate or a level 4 certification, be interested in communication, and meet the admissions test

How many ECTS credits are validated
in Bachelor communication – 1st YEAR ?

This program provides 60 ECTS credits and delivers a state-recognized RNCP title in the 5th year.

What are the tuition fees
in bachelor communication – 1RST YEAR ?

  • Lyon and Bordeaux campuses: €7,650
  • Paris Campus: €7,750

What are the back-to-school hours and rhythms
in bachelor communication – 1RST YEAR ?

Back to school in September

Courses: September to April
Internship: May to June

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Les chiffres clés


heures de cours


élèves par groupe au maximum


école pionnière depuis sa création


taux d’employabilité record à Bac+5

Mis à jour le 22 juin 2023