Bac+4/5 Marketing & Communication CSR

Septembre, Avril
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Why choose the bac+4/5 Marketing & communication rse?

Corporate Social Responsibility (or CSR) is at the heart of value creation for brands. Social issues related to sustainable development And if the recent awareness of sustainable development, ethics and the environment become today the new keystone of the communication and marketing strategy of brands. In a context of mistrust, even mistrust, brands are changing and moving towards a quest for meaning and more virtuous and transparent behavior.

This program allows students to acquire a solid foundation in communication and marketing while adding in-depth and specific skills in committed communication and responsible marketing, via, on the one hand, theoretical training in the issues of climate, diversity, resources and living together and, on the other hand, the teaching of technical skills around the processes of implementing a CSR approach within all of the company’s structures, as well as a regulatory approach to the subject

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What are the bac+4/5 Marketing & communication rse courses?

principaux cours

1st year (BAC+4)

  • Growth and post-growth
  • Starting CSR in an organization
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Societal and environmental change in France and around the world
  • Social responsibility of brands
  • Behavior change and the human factor
  • Company with mission and purpose
  • Responsible Finance
  • Equality and diversity policy
  • Carbon footprint, digital eco-design and tech for good
  • Conducting a CSR diagnostic
  • Equality and diversity policy
  • Carrying out and deploying the CSR strategy
  • Principles of responsible communication and influence
  • Responsibility for digital media and content

2nd year (bac+5)

  • Eco-communication
  • The company facing the collaborative society and its codes
  • Media and sustainable development
  • CSR, sustainable development and responsible communication
  • Associations, NGOs and responsible communication
  • Responsible internal communication

Objectifs, compétences et aptitudes

> Analyze and understand the context and specificities of the advertiser’s market.

Know how to anticipate changes and identify societal behaviors and expectations in terms of responsibility, as well as trends in order to adapt the responsible communication strategy. Learn how to set up an active watch in order to deploy and optimize the advertiser’s engaged marketing strategy.

> Define and manage a CSR brand strategy.

Be able to support the brand in a responsible marketing approach. Students learn how to develop and manage the marketing strategy of the brand and defend a relevant CSR positioning strategy with the company’s various stakeholders, particularly its general management.

> Design and implement the brand’s communication strategy by applying the main principles of CSR.

Be able to develop and manage the CSR communication strategy for the brand through offline and digital levers in order to acquire and build loyalty among the brand’s audience, by proposing new promises, innovative actions and/or by encouraging real and structuring commitments.

> Know how to manage the performance of the brand’s marketing and/or communication actions.

Acquire the posture and interpersonal skills needed to lead and manage teams in the operational implementation of the brand’s marketing and CSR communication actions. Know how to define, evaluate and present the relevant evaluation criteria (measuring the carbon footprint, obtaining quality labels, etc.) of the communication strategy in line with the brand’s values.

> Conducting the advertising communication strategy and its various campaigns.

Learn to manage a department or a service and lead teams. Be able to optimize the visibility of a CSR strategy by ensuring its coherence and relevance while taking into account the strategy of means envisaged. Know and apply the fundamentals of copy strategy and brand storytelling in relation to CSR strategy. Control the broadcasting schedule, ensure the relevance of media and support choices with the objective of serving the brand’s CSR communication strategy.

Plus pédagogiques et évaluations

The validation of the year is done by obtaining 60 ECTS by different evaluation methods (case study, simulation, questionnaire ….). Time in the workplace is also required.

Competitions :

It is a professional situation. For two weeks, our students work on a real client brief presented by the agency and/or advertiser to respond to a strategic, marketing or creative issue. This transversal work is carried out collectively with a distribution of expectations according to skills, in the form of an agency proposal.

Big talk:

A flagship event at the end of the year, students present their arguments to a jury of professionals on a
and trends in the fields of communication and marketing and defend their point of view

The professional project: Create your own start-up

The students form mixed project groups between the different specialties in order to carry out this common thread. You will have one year to acquire the entrepreneurial knowledge necessary to create your own fictitious start-up. Those who wish to do so, will have the possibility to join the Omnes Education incubator to be accompanied in order to really deploy their concept.

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Our added value

Quality speakers

The courses are all led by professionals from the communication, marketing or business sectors.
creation. The pedagogy allows the application of knowledge.

Professional accompaniment

The company service helps students find their internship (full-time or alternating). They also benefit from personalized support with CV and cover letter coaching.


The program focuses on immersive situations and innovative formats that punctuate the year (conferences, visits, bootcamp, hackathon).

IN BAC+4/5 Marketing & communication rse ?

Proof of a validated Bac+3 (180 ECTS), or for a parallel admission of a Bac+4 (240 ECTS), of a level 6 certification or equivalent and to satisfy the selection tests of the establishment (or equivalent if it is a foreign candidate).

What certification is issued
in Bac+4/5 Marketing & communication rse ?

Ce programme délivre la certification RNCP “Responsable de la communication“ de niveau 7 certifiée par l’Etat (en cours d’instruction)

Bloc de compétences de la certification
Bloc 1 –
Analyser et comprendre le marché de la structure
Bloc 2 – Définir et piloter la stratégie marketing de la marque
Bloc 3 – Concevoir et mettre en œuvre une stratégie de communication
Bloc 4 – Piloter et manager la performance des actions marketing et/ou communication
Bloc 5 – Marketing et communication RSE

What are the tuition fees
in Bac+4/5 Marketing & communication rse ?

  • Lyon campus: 21 100€.
    (For one-year contracts in Bac+5: 10 800€)
  • Paris campus: 21 450€.
    For one-year contracts in Bac+5: 10 950€)

What are the back-to-school hours and rhythms
in Bac+4/5 Marketing & communication rse ?

Back to school in September

1 week of classes and 3 weeks in a company
for 24 months starting in September

Voir les plannings d’alternance

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Les chiffres clés


Taux d’insertion professionnelle


Taux de diplomation


heures de cours


élèves par groupe au maximum

Trades and
career opportunities

  • Manager CSR sustainability (sustainable development)
  • CSR Manager
  • CSR Communications Manager
  • CSR Communications Officer
  • Responsible Marketing/Communications Project Manager
  • CSR / Sustainable Development Consultant
  • CSR Project Manager
  • Social Entrepreneur

Indicative salary at hiring: 26-32k€.

Mis à jour le 31 mai 2023