Bac+4/5 Social Media Strategy

Septembre, Avril
Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux
Accueil » Programmes et Formations » Bac+4/5 Social Media Strategy

Why choose the bac+4/5 social media strategy?

Nearly 40 million French people use Facebook, more than 20 million are on Instagram and Tiktok has largely seduced young people. We now spend 1h45 per day on social networks. In ten years, they have become “the place to be” for advertisers who deploy multiple strategies for audience acquisition, community loyalty and recommendation by influencers. The technical nature of these influencer campaigns requires both advanced strategic skills and creative qualities. This two-year course allows students to acquire this range of skills in order to design and implement these social media strategies while managing a team and a budget.

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what are the courses in bac+4/5 social media strategy?

principaux cours

First year (bac+4)

  • Digital strategy and web marketing
  • Communication strategy
  • Influence strategy
  • Content strategy and inbound marketing levers
  • UX strategy
  • Social networks
  • Community management
  • Media planning and social ads
  • Web development / CMS management
  • Marketing automation
  • SEA / SEO
  • Social selling
  • Webanalytics
  • Collaborative management and project management

Second year (BAC+5)

  • Corporate strategy
  • Digital strategy and transformation
  • Social media strategy
  • Influence marketing
  • Growth hacking and acquisition levers
  • Social Ads
  • SEO / SEA (certification)
  • Content creation and production strategy (podcast, video, editorial)
  • Display and programmatic
  • CRM and customer journey
  • Web analytics
  • Law and RGPD
  • Agile Project Management
  • Speaking and persuasion techniques

Objectifs, compétences et aptitudes

> Measure the reputation of a brand on social networks and analyze its digital environment. Know how to establish a precise diagnosis of the presence of brands on the networks using professional tools, organize an active watch, detect new trends – in order to define and manage the strategye of digital marketing of the company – are part of the competency program for this field.

> Design a social media communication strategy with the objective of building awareness, loyalty or referrals. Students learn to imagine, plan and budget a multi-network communication system as part of the definition and implementation of a digital communication strategy. As true project managers, they brief and collaborate with other departments such as IT, web design and customer service.

> Deploy a global multi-network social media campaign.Students learn the tools and methods for launching and monitoring social media campaigns via the management and coordination of digital marketing tools, as well as the animation of communities: influencers, sponsored and organic campaigns. They also practice amplifying the virality and performance of campaigns through CRM, growth hacking orembush marketing operations.

> Analyze campaign data to optimize them.The program also includes expertise modules centered around web analytics and data-driven marketing targeting strategies.

> Manage a project and a multidisciplinary team. Collaboration, decision making and even leadership are professional skills that students experience on a daily basis in many courses during practical work, workshops and role-playing, in order to know how to manage a digital communication agency or a department and to lead teams.

Plus pédagogiques et évaluations

The validation of the year is done by obtaining 120 ECTS by different evaluation methods (case study, simulation, questionnaire ….). Time in the workplace is also required.

Competitions :

It is a professional situation. For two weeks, our students work on a real client brief presented by the agency and/or advertiser to respond to a strategic, marketing or creative issue. This transversal work is carried out collectively with a distribution of expectations according to skills, in the form of an agency proposal.

Big talk:

At the end of the year, the students present their arguments to a jury of professionals on a topic of monitoring and trends in the fields of communication and marketing and defend their point of view.

The professional project: Create your own start-up

The students form mixed project groups between the different specialties in order to carry out this common thread. You will have one year to acquire the entrepreneurial knowledge necessary to create your own fictitious start-up. Those who wish to do so, will have the possibility to join the Omnes Education incubator to be accompanied in order to really deploy their concept.

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Our added value

Quality speakers

The courses are all led by professionals from the communication, marketing or business sectors.
creation. The pedagogy allows the application of knowledge.

Professional accompaniment

The company service helps students find their internship (full-time or alternating). They also benefit from personalized support with CV and cover letter coaching.


The program focuses on immersive situations and innovative formats that punctuate the year (conferences, visits, bootcamp, hackathon).

IN BAC+4/5 social media strategy ?

Proof of a validated Bac+3 (180 ECTS) or, for parallel admission, a Bac+4 (240 ECTS), a level 6 certification or equivalent, primarily in the fields of communication, marketing, digital and to satisfy the school’s selection tests (or equivalent if a foreign candidate).

What certification is issued
in Bac+4/5 social media strategy ?

This program delivers the RNCP certification “ Manager of communication and digital strategy ” of level 7 recognized by the State (RNCP code 31420 | diploma code 16X32014).

Block of competencies of the certification
Block 1 –
Define and implement a strategy of
digital communication.
Block 2 – Define and manage the digital marketing strategy of
the company.
Block 3 – Manage and coordinate digital marketing tools.
Block 4 – Develop a data driven marketing strategy.
Block 5 – Manage a digital communication agency or a
service and lead teams.

What are the tuition fees
in Bac+4/5 social media strategy ?

  • Lyon and Bordeaux campuses: €21,100
    (For one-year contracts in Bac+5: 10 800€)
  • Paris campus: 21 450€.
    (For one-year contracts in Bac+5: 10 950€)

What are the back-to-school hours and rhythms
in Bac+4/5 social media strategy ?

Back to school in September

1 week of classes and 3 weeks in a company
for 24 months starting in September.

Start of the school year in February (only in Paris)

1 week of classes and 3 weeks in a company
for 18 months starting in February.

See the alternation schedules

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Les chiffres clés


Taux d’insertion professionnelle


Taux de diplomation


heures de cours


élèves par groupe au maximum

Trades and
career opportunities

  • Social Media Project Manager
  • Social Media Manager
  • Social Ads Manager
  • Social Data Scientist
  • Community Manager
  • Internal Communication Project Manager

Indicative starting salary: 28-34k€.

Mis à jour le 26 mai 2023