Bac+4/5 E-commerce strategy

Septembre, Avril
Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux
Accueil » Programmes et Formations » Bac+4/5 E-commerce strategy

Why choose the bac+4/5 e-commerce strategy?

E-commerce represents 14.1% of retail trade in France, according to the Federation of Distance Selling (FEVAD) and has almost doubled in 5 years. This program aims to train generalist e-commerce professionals capable of creating or taking over an online sales activity, to manage and optimize it. It also allows you to acquire the technical and strategic skills specific to e-commerce with a strong business orientation specific to the brands and companies in this sector.

Accessible to people with disabilities. Read more about it.

what are the courses in bac+4/5 e-commerce strategy?

principaux cours

First year (SP4)

  • Global communication strategy and brand platform
  • Digital acquisition strategy
  • Design and animation of an e-commerce site
  • E-merchandising and product catalog
  • UX design and editorial strategy
  • Media planning
  • Referencing of an e-commerce site (SEO/SEA)
  • Social Networks and Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • CRM and data marketing
  • Web analytics
  • Performance measurement and e-business KPIs
  • Excel and dashboards (e-learning)
  • Collaborative management
  • Web and e-commerce law

Second year (sp5)

  • Business Game
  • Case studies Business 1 & 2
  • E-commerce strategy
  • Management of the e-commerce business unit
  • Content creation and strategy
  • E-merchandising and upselling
  • Media planning
  • UX design e-commerce
  • SEO e-commerce
  • Advanced ATS
  • Acquisition and growth hacking
  • CRM and customer loyalty
  • Supply chain management
  • Web analytics
  • Monitoring of performance and e-business objectives
  • Team management and project management
  • European law (RGPD) and data protection

Objectifs, compétences et aptitudes

> Analyze a market and the competitive environment of a digital brand.

To ask the good diagnosis from the reference e-commerce tools and to integrate multiple strategic dimensions allows the students to apprehend the complexity and the diversity of the universe of the online sale, in the definition and the implementation of a digital communication strategy.

> Position a digital brand in a highly innovative e-commerce context.

Knowing how to build an offer of products and/or services and imagine a differentiating customer experience are essential skills for the success of an e-commerce site. Define and manage the company’s digital marketing strategy. While respecting a legislative and technical framework under constraint.

> Develop an e-marketing communication strategy with a view to acquiring and/or retaining high value-added leads.

The aim is to learn how to design, plan and budget an effective multi-channel communication system based on precise objectives of awareness and sales by developing a data-driven marketing strategy.

> Implement a digital communication campaign and manage an e-commerce site.

Students learn the tools and methods for deploying, monitoring and optimizing acquisition campaigns, as well as community and customer relationship management, in order to learn to manage and coordinate digital marketing tools.

> Manage a project and a multidisciplinary team.

Collaboration, decision making and even management are professional skills that students experiment with on a daily basis in numerous courses during practical work, workshops and simulations in order to be able to manage a digital communication agency or a department and lead teams.

Plus pédagogiques et évaluations

The validation of the year is done by obtaining 120 ECTS by different evaluation methods (case study, simulation, questionnaire ….). Time in the workplace is also required.

Competitions :

It is a professional situation. For two weeks, our students work on a real client brief presented by the agency and/or advertiser to respond to a strategic, marketing or creative issue. This transversal work is carried out collectively with a distribution of expectations according to skills, in the form of an agency proposal.

Big talk:

A key test at the end of the year before a jury of professionals, students argue orally on a
and trends in the fields of communication and marketing and defend their point of view

The professional project: Create your own start-up

The students form mixed project groups between the different specialties in order to carry out this common thread. You will have one year to acquire the entrepreneurial knowledge necessary to create your own fictitious start-up. Those who wish to do so, will have the possibility to join the Omnes Education incubator to be accompanied in order to really deploy their concept.

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Our added value

Quality speakers

The courses are all led by professionals from the communication, marketing or business sectors.
creation. The pedagogy allows the application of knowledge.

Professional accompaniment

The company service helps students find their internship (full-time or alternating). They also benefit from personalized support with CV and cover letter coaching.


The program focuses on immersive situations and innovative formats that punctuate the year (conferences, visits, bootcamp, hackathon).

IN BAC+4/5 e-commerce strategy ?

Proof of a validated Bac+3 (180 ECTS) or, for parallel admission, a Bac+4 (240 ECTS), a level 6 certification or equivalent, primarily in the fields of communication, marketing, digital, management and to satisfy the school’s selection tests (or equivalent if a foreign candidate).

What certification is issued
in Bac+4/5 e-commerce strategy ?

Ce programme délivre la certification RNCP “ Responsable de la stratégie digitale “ de niveau 7 certifiée par l’Etat par l’Etat (en cours d’instruction)

Bloc de compétences de la certification
Bloc 1 –
Définir une stratégie digitale
Bloc 2 – Préparer et organiser la mise en œuvre opérationnelle de la stratégie digitale
Bloc 3 – Manager et concevoir le projet avec les acteurs concernés et les parties prenantes
Bloc 4 – Piloter et manager la performance au service de la réalisation du projet
Bloc 5 – Manager la stratégie e-commerce

What are the tuition fees
in Bac+4/5 e-commerce strategy ?

  • Lyon and Bordeaux campuses: €21,100
    (For one-year contracts in Bac+5: 10 800€)
  • Paris campus: 21 450€.
    (For one-year contracts in Bac+5: 10 950€)

What are the back-to-school hours and rhythms
in Bac+4/5 e-commerce strategy ?

Back to school in September

1 week of classes and 3 weeks in a company for 24 months starting in September

Voir les plannings d’alternance

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Les chiffres clés


Taux d’insertion professionnelle


Taux de diplomation


heures de cours


élèves par groupe au maximum

Trades and
career opportunities

  • E-commerce project manager
  • Digital/Web Project Manager
  • Traffic Manager / Web Marketer

Indicative starting salary: 30 – 35k€.

Mis à jour le 31 mai 2023