Septembre, Avril
Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux
Accueil » Programmes et Formations » Bac+4/5 UI & DIGITAL DESIGN

Why choose the bac+4/5 UI & Digital Design?

The digital creation professions register a high demand from companies (PageGroup 2022 study). With the growing importance of the experience economy, brands are looking for people who understand strategic issues and usage contexts. This program aims to train creative people capable of designing user-centered brand worlds and creating meaningful interfaces. It provides the necessary skills to be part of technological innovations, new fields of experimentation for brands.

Accessible to people with disabilities. Read more about it.

What are the courses in bac+4/5 ui & digital design?

Principaux cours

First year (SP4)

  • Digital strategy
  • Cognitive Sciences
  • Design Thinking
  • Product Design
  • Prototyping tools
  • Creative techniques
  • Graphic Design
  • Eco-design
  • Design of digital experiences
  • Web Design & Integration
  • Motion Design
  • Audiovisual production
  • Creative project management
  • Image and creative rights
  • News and creative watch
  • Pitch your project
  • English

Second year (sp5)

  • Digital project strategy
  • Behavioral design
  • UX Writing
  • Branding & Design System
  • Ethical and responsible design: eco-design, accessibility
  • Design of digital experiences
  • Advanced web design and integration
  • Media content
  • New interfaces (AR/VR, NFT, Metavers…)
  • Audiovisual production
  • Entrepreneurial project

Objectifs, compétences & aptitudes

> Analyze a market and the competitive environment of a brand

Study the strategic and business issues of a brand. Carry out benchmarks, analyze creative and technological trends and brand universes. Understand and analyze the client’s strategy based on defined artistic axes.

> Design and manage the implementation of multi-channel visual concepts

Lead the creation or redesign of interfaces through graphic mastery, strategic vision of the brand, its environment and user-centered design (UX) in order todevelop creative projects from defined artistic axes.

> User audit and research

Implement and analyze creative and strategic intelligence. Know how to observe and understand the uses by conducting interviews. Define personas and identify insights.

> Modeling pathways and interfaces

Formalize ideas in the form of usage scenarios based on the analysis of brand and user expectations. Design Wireflows and Wireframes. Validate and optimize design hypotheses (testing and iteration). Integrate cognitive biases and brain function into the design (behavioral design).

> Designing visual identities and interfaces

Arrange the interfaces (zoning, navigation system…). Apply the rules of graphic design, typography… cognitive ergonomics, in the overall design process to create the final design. Manage the production of the creative strategy. Create a Design System. Integrate accessibility and eco-design.

> Manage a project and a multidisciplinary team

Collaboration, decision making and even management are professional skills that students experience on a daily basis in many courses during practical work, workshops and role playing situations in order toUnderstand the management techniques of a team and a company. They use and apply product methodologies – Design Sprint, Design Thinking…

Plus pédagogiques et évaluations

The validation of the year is done by obtaining 120 ECTS by different evaluation methods (case study, simulation, questionnaire ….). Time in the workplace is also required.


It is a professional situation. For two weeks, our students work on a real client brief presented by the agency and/or advertiser to respond to a strategic, marketing or creative issue. This transversal work is carried out collectively with a distribution of expectations according to skills, in the form of an agency proposal.

Book day

At the end of the year, students present their portfolio to professionals in the sector. The Book Day is a true springboard interview that allows creative students to distinguish themselves and get noticed, even before they enter the job market.

The professional project: Create your own start-up

The students form mixed project groups between the different specialties in order to carry out this common thread. You will have one year to acquire the entrepreneurial knowledge necessary to create your own fictitious start-up. Those who wish to do so, will have the possibility to join the Omnes Education incubator to be accompanied in order to really deploy their concept.

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Our added value

Quality speakers

All courses are taught by professionals in the field of communication, marketing or creation. The pedagogy allows the application of knowledge.

Professional accompaniment

The company service helps students find their internship (full-time or alternating). They also benefit from personalized support with CV and cover letter coaching.


The program focuses on immersive situations and innovative formats that punctuate the year (conferences, visits, bootcamp, hackathon).

IN BAC+4/5 ui & digital design ?

Proof of a validated Bac+3 (180 ECTS), or for a parallel admission of a Bac+4 (240 ECTS), a level 6 certification or equivalent, and a creative portfolio (it is preferable not to use Canvas and to use the Adobe Suite) and pass the institution’s selection tests (or equivalent if the candidate is a foreigner).

What certification is issued
in Bac+4/5 ui & digital design ?

This program delivers the RNCP certification “ Manager of communication and digital strategy ” of level 7 certified by the State (RNCP code 31420 | diploma code 16X32014).

Block of competencies of the certification
Block 1 –
Analyze the sponsor’s strategy and identify
its needs to propose creative directions.
Block 2 – Develop creative projects based on
defined artistic.
Block 3 – Implementing and analyzing creative intelligence and
Block 4 – Manage the production of the creative strategy.
Block 5 – Managing a team and a company.

What are the tuition fees
in Bac+4/5 ui & digital design ?

  • Lyon campus: 21 100€.
    (For one-year contracts in Bac+5: 10 800€)
  • Paris campus: 21 450€.
    (For one-year contracts in Bac+5: 10 950€)

What are the back-to-school hours and rhythms
in Bac+4/5 ui & digital design ?

Back to school in September

1 week of classes and 3 weeks in a company
for 24 months starting in September.

See the alternation schedules

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Les chiffres clés


Taux d’insertion professionnelle


Taux de diplomation


heures de cours


élèves par groupe au maximum

Trades and
career opportunities

  • Digital Art Director
  • UX/UIDesigner
  • Interaction Designer
  • Product Designer
  • Brand designer

Indicative starting salary: 32 – 37k€.

Mis à jour le 26 mai 2023