Bachelor Exchange : Brand Strategy – 3rd year

Programme - Sup de pub
Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Rennes
Accueil » Programmes et Formations » Bachelor Exchange : Brand Strategy – 3rd year

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pourquoi choisir le Bachelor exchange – stratégie des marques ?

This 3rd professional year of the Bachelor’s degree is punctuated by the acquisition of specific skills in brand strategy, i.e. all the strategic thinking around a brand for the realization of a communication campaign: positioning, value proposition, market segmentation, etc. This Bachelor’s degree in brand strategy will also provide you with a complete vision of the brand thanks to various projects, practical exercises, and competitions. You will also benefit from a unique international experience, a real plus in your course.

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Quels sont Les cours en Bachelor exchange – stratégie des marques ?

principaux cours

  • History of advertising, trends and consumer behavior
  • Storytelling
  • Brand strategy and positioning
  • Content strategy and brand content
  • Digital strategy and web marketing
  • Soft-skills, innovation and foresight
  • Social media production

Objectifs, compétences et aptitudes

Develop skills that are recognized and sought after in the communications market

Acquire a detailed knowledge of the brand and its environment thanks to marketing studies, to then deploy the brand, from positioning to media strategy, including targets and objectives, and thus set out to conquer new markets. Whether it’s a product launch strategy, a more global search for brand awareness, or a modernization of image, this program will make you a brand specialist. Companies are looking for expert, agile and creative profiles, capable of proposing ideas as well as anticipating market expectations and needs in order to guide brands.

Contribute to the multi-media communication strategy

You will approach communication and strategy in all their dimensions, thanks to the different pedagogical exercises (projects, competitions, application exercises). You can then stage them in different sectors: for companies, for brands in BtoB or BtoC, in the public domain or even for associations, in connection with art, fashion or culture, etc.
You will learn how to study the market, the targets and the appropriate communication channels in order to set up an efficient brand campaign.

Designing a multimedia communication plan

Through this Bachelor’s degree in brand strategy, you will practice building and scripting a strategic recommendation, proposing concepts and managing a project organization, in line with the company’s communication strategy. You will also learn how to successfully generate content and apply your communication strategy to the entire media and non-media ecosystem: press, influence, social media …. And measure the results.

To manage multimedia communication actions

You will learn the skills and techniques necessary for brand performance, orchestrating the best possible media mix. You will also be able to evaluate the relevance of each media through the effectiveness measures. You will then be able to deploy your strategic, organizational, budgetary and creative proposals within a framework defined by the clients.

Plus pédagogiques et évaluation

The diploma is awarded by obtaining 60 ECTS through different evaluation methods (case study, simulation, questionnaire ….). Time in the workplace is also required.


During the year, several competitions are organized: students work together, in micro-agencies, on a concrete case study presented by a major advertiser or agency. They have two weeks to respond to a specific strategic, marketing or creative issue

Projects and implementations

During your work experience, you will have the opportunity to deploy and manage various projects that you will structure with the support of the school, in order to develop your professionalization and build your portfolio.

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on this program?

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Our added value

International in the curriculum

This unique experience both academically and in terms of
cultural, is an opportunity to give your CV an international dimension and to look forward to the future with dynamism! An opportunity to be seized when you know that Sup de Pub has more than 45 partner establishments in the world, including 26 schools or universities in Europe!


Benefit from financial aid for your departure abroad (in Europe) thanks to the Erasmus grant. Find out more on our website.

Quality speakers

All courses are taught by professionals in the field of communication, marketing or design. The pedagogy allows the application of the

Quelles sont les conditions d’admission
en Bachelor exchange – stratégie des marques ?

To justify a validated Bac+2 (120 ECTS) or a level 5 title or equivalent in the field of communication and to satisfy the admission tests.

Quelle certification est délivrée
en Bachelor exchange – stratégie des marques ?

This program provides 60 ECTS credits and delivers a state-recognized RNCP title in the 5th year.

Quels sont les frais de scolarité
en Bachelor exchange – stratégie des marques ?

  • Lyon, Bordeaux and Rennes campuses:
    8 450€
  • Paris Campus:
    8 550€

Quels sont les Rentrées et rythmes
en Bachelor exchange – stratégie des marques ?

Back to school in September

  • Semester 1 on the Sup de Pub campus.
  • Semester 2 on the campus of one of our 45 partner universities or schools.

You want to know more
on this program?

Sign up for an open house!
Our students and professors welcome you in the school to answer all your questions.

Sup de Pub students

Les chiffres clés


Taux d’insertion professionnelle


Taux de réussite


heures de cours


élèves par groupe au maximum

Mis à jour le 11 juillet 2023