Contact Sup de Pub

Accueil » Contact Sup de Pub

Paris Campus

Reception : 01 56 07 00 00
10, Rue Sextius Michel
75015 Paris

Informations & admissions

Need information on the programs, advice on your orientation and the competition: click on RDV

Want to visit the campus : click on VISIT

Admissions department – 01 56 07 00 05
Mathilde LAURENT

Admissions Manager


Director of studies 1st cycle
Servanne BARRE – 01 56 07 09 50

Director of studies 2nd cycle
Fabien FOURNILLON – 01 53 38 11 80

Academic Administration SP1-SP2
Dominique BARDI – 01 56 07 00 03
Study administration SP3
Aline GRACIAS – 01 56 07 00 07
Study Administration SP4 Francophones
Flora MARTRA – 01 56 07 00 08
Yamila BENLARBI – 01 85 56 14 44
Julien BRONCHU – 01 40 59 30 60
Study administration SP5 francophones
Maud IANNETTA – 01 85 56 14 33
Fatouma TOURÉ – 01 40 38 77 60
Schooling SP4/SP5
Schooling SP4
Schooling SP5


Executive Director – José MILANO

Director of Sup de Pub – Anne-Françoise STASSER

Director of projects and institutional relations: Sonia BENNACER

we are listening

Referent Handicap : Yamila BENLARBI – 01 85 56 14 44

Referent for the prevention of discrimination and equality between women and men – Sonia BENNACER

career center

Submit your work-study/internship offers:

For your upper year academic registration or re-enrollment:
01 80 80 01 70

For the administrative management of your work-study contract:
01 80 80 01 70

Pour vos recherches de stage ou d’alternance :
 01 80 80 01 70 

Stages SP1 à SP5
Houaria BENKADDOUR  – 01 40 38 80 66

VAE/Certifications/Formation exécutive
 Violaine LE DILY 06 20 71 62 62

international relations

International Relations Manager / European and International Mobility Referent
Lou COURJAN-KOMPF – +33 (0)1 56 07 09 52

Coordinator of English-speaking programs
Elsi LAURENTIN – 01 40 59 30 29

student life

Mathieu VINCENT- 01 40 38 77 64

Relations diplômés

Would you like to talk to one of our students?

Bordeaux Campus

Reception : 05 56 01 22 09
Hangar 18 – Quai de Bacalan
CS 80085
33070 Bordeaux Cedex

Informations & admissions

Need information on the programs, advice on your orientation and the competition: click on RDV

Want to visit the campus : click on VISIT – 05 56 50 24 66

Frédérique ROUX – 05 56 01 22 09
Martial DESCUBES – 05 56 01 74 64
Antoine LANDREAU – 05 56 01 31 22


Responsible for pedagogy
Fanny REMY-05 56 01 81 26

Promotional referral SP1 and SP2, SP4 and SP5 Social media, E-commerce, Editorial, Events, Influence, Digital design

Kim JESEL – 05 56 01 74 65

Referent of SP3, SP4 and SP5 Art Direction, Audiovisual, Graphic Design, Strategic Planning, CSR

Antoine MOURAT – 05 56 01 31 25

Registration / Re-registration

For any question about the finalization of your academic registration or the realization of your re-enrolment in a higher year: – 05 56 00 69 32

work-study contract

For any question about the management of your work-study contract: – 05 56 00 69 32

internship/work-study reearch

To find an internship or work-study program, contact the Corporate Relations team:
internship.bdx@omneseducation .com – 05 56 00 69 32

we are listening

Referent Handicap : Violaine LE DILY – 06 20 71 62 62

Personalized support to the student: Pantxika LABORDE – 05 56 01 77 91

Referent for the prevention of discrimination and equality between women and men – Sonia BENNACER


Companies, you have an internship or work-study offer, contact us: – 05 56 00 69 32

If you would like to participate in our forums or job-dating events, please contact us: – 05 56 00 69 32

Executive Training/VAE/Certifications
Violaine LE DILY – 06 20 71 62 62

Relations Internationales

Head of International Relations / European and International Mobility Referent
Lou COURJAN-KOMPF – +33 (0)1 56 07 09 52


Alumni, you have a question or a proposal contact us: – 05 56 00 69 32


Executive Director José MILANO

Management of Sup de Pub Anne-Françoise STASSER

Delegated management of Sup de Pub Bordeaux :

Would you like to talk to one of our students?

Lyon Campus

Campus reception: 04 78 29 80 28

Admissions Department: 04 72 14 81 31

Schooling department: 04 72 14 81 80

Company service : 04 72 71 14 78

25 rue de l’Université
CS 90725
69367 Lyon cedex 07

Informations & admissions

Do not hesitate to make a personal appointment with the LYON admissions team – 04 72 14 81 31

Admissions Manager
Anne-Sophie VALLA- RDV


SP1 to SP3 specialized in creation and SP4 and 5 specialized in artistic direction

StéphanieTrambouze (School and company referent)

04 72 14 81 84

SP1 to SP3 specialized in communication or digital

Emmanuelle Ambrosino (School and company referent)

04 72 14 81 80

SP4 and 5 specialized in UI, Audiovisual, graphic design, events or cultural industries

Morgane Karl (School and company referent)

04 72 14 81 37

SP4 and 5 specialized in digital marketing, social media strategy, e-commerce or data

Prisca Razafindrafito (School and company referent)

04 78 29 55 29

SP4 and 5 specialized in brand strategy, public relations, editorial or user experience

Aurélie Jacquet (School and company referent)

04 72 14 81 30

work-study contract

For any question about the management of your work-study contract: – 04 72 71 14 78

internship/work-study research

To find an internship or work-study program, contact the Corporate Relations team: – 04 72 71 14 78

we are listening

Referent Handicap : Aurélie JACQUET – 04 72 14 81 85

Referent for the prevention of discrimination and equality between women and men – Sonia BENNACER


Management of student work-study contract – 04 72 71 14 78

Search for internships / internships: 04 72 71 14 78

If you wish to participate in our forums or job datings, please contact us: – 04 72 71 14 78


Alumni, you have a question or a proposal contact us: – 04 72 71 14 78


Delphine CHARTON – 04 72 14 81 34

international relations

International Relations Manager / European and International Mobility Referent
Lou COURJAN-KOMPF – +33 (0)1 56 07 09 52


Executive Director José MILANO

Management of Sup de Pub: Anne-Françoise STASSER

Would you like to talk to one of our students?

Lifestyle, London, England, INSEEC, Bisart

London Campus

Home: +44 (0) 203 725 4600
32 Aybrook Street
London W1U 4AW

Informations & admissions

Admissions department – 01 56 07 00 05


Study Administration

Coordinator of English Programs

international relations

International Relations Manager / European and International Mobility Referent
Lou COURJAN-KOMPF – +33(0)1 56 07 09 52


Executive Director José MILANO

Management of Sup de Pub Anne-Françoise STASSER

Delegated management of Sup de Pub London
Caroline GAUTIER

Rennes Campus

31, Rue Monseigneur Duchesne
35 000 Rennes
Tél. +33 (0)2 30 79 05 72

Informations & admissions

Don’t hesitate to book a personalized meeting with the admission team of RENNES. Just click here RDV

You wish to discuss with one of our students?

Mis à jour le 24 avril 2024